Industrial research
About Us
Since the very beginning, we were active in multiple FP5, FP6, FP7 and Horizon2020 projects, as well as in privately funded ones. We provide our clients with a broad range of R&D, marketing, communication and related services, as well as technical and business analyses. Utilising Open Science approach and tools based on innovation gamification we are today one of the most advanced European companies in the science facilitation.
Our combined technological and business knowledge had led to the development of thriving PV industry in Lithuania. We consulted decision-makers from industrial, research and policymaking communities in creating a fertile industrial environment.
R&D support
Open R&D
Open Research
Cooperation models
Project management
For our clients we are organising projects, from process to finance governing. We are planning and controlling resources, organizing and motivating people through setting and explaining goals and success criteria. We manage collaborative EU and privately funded projects, as well as coach in-house R&D developments.
Open R&D
We help our clinets in solving intellectual and infrastructural problems through wid ecooperation with open societies. Our services include identification of available open R&D clusters and our unique speciality: engagement of wide communities to Open R&D projects through gamification.
R&D investment consulting
From ICT start-ups to industrial production, we have in our portfolio plenitude of R&D projects ready to be co-financed by private investros. We provide technological detials and business plans. We help both sides reach a common understanding and profitable solution.
Pilot lines development
We help our clients to setup low-sclae production lines enabling testing new methods, processes, and systems. The key to our success is modular and scallable design method enabling easy modificationa and scaling of production.
Technical audits
Our engineers help our clients in reaching optimal performance of technical operations. We identify bottlenecks, perform risk and contingency analyses, propose novel technological solutions. At all levels, from production planning, trough procurement and implementation to project impact, we help reaching higher levels of effectivity. Many of our audits are finalised by helping in search for external funding enabling implementation of optimal solutions.
IPR negotiation
For the puropose of successful IPR negotiation, we develop for our clients IP structure, conduct due dilligence research, define negotiation strategy. During negotiation phase, we serve as negotiators, always finding win-win solution. During the proces we combine high big-picture creativity with great attention to detials.